6453PN Auto Parts Compressor AC 7C16 6PK For Peugeot308 WXPG001
The AC compressor is responsible for reducing the volume of the refrigerant gas, compressing it in order to complete the refrigerant cycle in the system. It can be thought of as the component that does all the heavy lifting. In order to perform this task, it requires energy, which it obtains from the engine through a pulley and shaft.
Model Number
Car Model
For Peugeot308/407/508/607/Citroen C5/C6
Ac Compressor
Year Model
Compressor type
Compressors :
1) Rotary Vane - Panasonic
Rotary vane compressors consist of a rotor with three or four vanes and a carefully shaped rotor housing. As the compressor shaft rotates, the vanes and housing form chambers.
The R134a is drawn through the suction port into these chambers, which become smaller as the rotor turns. The discharge port is located at the point where the gas is fully compressed.The vanes are sealed against the rotor housing by centrifugal force and lubricating oil. The oil sump and oil pump are located on the discharge side, so that the high pressure forces oil through the oil pump and then onto the base of the vanes keeping them sealed against the rotor housing.
During idle an occasional vane noise from the compressor may be heard. This is due to the time taken for lubricating oil to circulate through the A/C system.
2)Scroll type - Sanden
This compressor uses a unique design with two scrolls, one fixed and one is movable, both are inter-leaved.The movable spiral is able to ORBIT or oscillate without actually fully rotating. The movable scroll is connected to the input shaft via a concentric bearing.
As the movable spiral oscillates within the fixed spiral, a number of pockets are formed between the spiral. As these pockets decrease in size the refrigerant is squeezed, the pressure increases and is discharged through a reed valve at the discharge port in the rear section of the compressor.
3)Variable stroke - Harrison V5
The Delphi (Harrison) V5 compressor is a non-cycling variable displacement compressor.
The compressor varies displacement to control capacity to meet A/C system demand at all operating conditions. The compressor features a variable angle wobble plate in five (V5) cylinder axial piston design.
Displacement is controlled by a bellows actuated control valve located in the rear cylinder head. This control valve senses and responds to the system suction pressure or A/C system demand.
Through regulation of compressor crankcase pressure, the wobble plate angle, and therefore compressor displacement is variable.
In general, the compressor discharge pressure is much greater than the compressor crankcase. Which is greater than or equal to the compressor suction pressure.
At maximum displacement, compressor crankcase pressure is equal to the compressor suction pressure.
At reduced or minimum displacement, the compressor crankcase pressure is greater than the suction pressure.
Emergency situations
Some emergency indicators that something is wrong with your compressor include:
1.Weird noises: This could be caused by a worn or broken belt/pulley. There are several other issues that may need to be addressed immediately.
2.Burning smell: The compressor wiring may be damaged or burned.
3.Leaking dashboard: It could be caused by a clogged hose or drain. Age and moisture can also cause your system to leak.
If you experience any of these issues, it is important to have your AC system inspected and repaired by a qualified technician as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure optimal cooling performance.
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